Caitie Corum, RDH

Caitie is a dental hygienist at our office and has practiced with Dr Meredith and Dr McIntyre since 2019, directly out of the Dental Hygiene program at Carl Sandburg college. She grew up in Palmyra Missouri and fell in love with Illinois when she moved here for college. When she isn’t at the office she enjoys curling up with a new book with her cat Nessie at home and trying new recipes. Caitie strives to provide a positive dental experience by being a caring and trustworthy provider, she believes a healthy smile not only boosts a person’s confidence but helps the person be healthier as a whole. If Caitie wasn’t in the dental field, she would be a backup singer.

Who do you admire in life?

“I admire the retiring hygienist I took over at my first job, Carol. She had practiced Dental Hygiene for 29 years and had more grace and wit than anyone I have met in life. I hope to have as many fool proof dental quotes as she did one day!”